Hi everyone.
Every now and again, people get a bit steamed up about something that's been posted on here and start beating their chests about it, thinking that only their opinion has any value and there is something wrong with people who think otherwise. That, to a degree, is human nature and I suspect a number of us have done this somewhere at some point.
However, this forum is meant to be a safe space, and when I get PM's saying that it doesn't feel like it, then I have to do something.
I would like to remind everyone of FORUM RULE #1 which is viewable at app.php/rules
Play nicely. Aggressive posts towards each other may result in your removal from the forum. Please try to stay on topic. Respect each other and the band. Posts insulting a member of the band will result in the topic being closed. Keep politics to the Off Topic area.
If someone has a different opinion to yourself, please do not shoot them down, belittle them or insult them.
Let's try being tolerant of something someone else says.
I hate being dragged in as referee when people get heated.
I can turn on post approval for individuals, meaning that their posts will not appear until i have inspected and approved them.
That causes me work and I don't like it.
If this forum stops being a safe space, then it will be replaced with a Facebook group.